Take Me (Back) Out to the Ball Game

My original plan with Marisa involved me coming back to KTM in February/March, and being home by April. I don’t typically have much going on at home, which is probably why I always want to leave, because my boredom makes me crazy (or crazier than I already am), which leads me back into my depression. But I was actually excited for the month of April at home. I had plans every weekend, starting with the most important holiday, Opening Day, followed by 2 weekends of out of town friends, and ending with the Harris cousin Spring Fling. So it was a BIG decision for me to make and accept that I would be in Nepal during this month. And I knew I would have a serious case of FOMO. And it has officially begun. I haven’t even been able to scroll through Facebook today, because I am so sad to have missed my first Opening Day in years. And I know the FOMO is going to happen again when the next few weekends roll around. When I finally bought my plane ticket, I had made peace with my decision that I would be missing all of these events because, well, I would be in Nepal. But now that it’s actually happening, the sadness is seeping back in. Although I am in a place that I have come to love so much, there are some things back home that just can’t be beat. Lesson learned…maybe…for now at least. Although I do have Nepali New Year to look forward to this weekend, so I will definitely make the most of that! In the meantime, I’ll have to stay updated on the Cards via the Internet, including my personal favorite Cardinals blog, http://cardsdiaspora.com/. GO BIRDS!

About alyslaughter

Learning how to stop curb tripping and start living
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